My Tours Company

In the Footsteps of the Romans

In Jordan and, more specifically, in Jerash, there are a lot of monuments and relics, including triumphal arches, colonnaded squares, theaters, baths, temples and wide streets that are well preserved. In Jerash, visitors can witness a unique show: gladiatorial combat and chariot races in its grand theater. This huge hippodrome welcomed nearly 15,000 Romans, and

In the Footsteps of the Romans

Things to do and see - In the Footsteps of the Romans

Immerse in the history of an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge
Pont du Gard, France
Witness the largest amphitheater built during the Roman Empire
Colosseum, Italy
See one of the most significant proofs of Roman civilization
Pompeii, Italy
Visit an important archaeological site of ancient Rome
Roman Forum, Italy
Admire a large Roman bath complex from the 4th century AD
Imperial Baths of Trier, Germany
Travel to an ancient Roman city with well-preserved ruins
Jerash, Jordan
Explore one of the most beautiful cities of the Roman Empire
Leptis Magna, Libya
Discover the remains of ancient Roman defensive walls
Hadrian's Wall, UK
Experience one of the best-preserved Roman engineering works
The Aqueduct of Segovia, Spain
Stroll along ancient Roman defensive walls
Roman walls of Lugo, Spain
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