My Tours Company

Horses of Camargue

Discovering the horses of the Camargue is a unique experience to observe the region on horseback and feel connected to nature. The Camargue and its natural park are located west of the PACA region in southern France.

The Camargue horse is a miniature versatil horse with a light grey coat. It is one of


Things to do and see - Horses of Camargue

Start your exploration of the region at a picturesque town
Observe wild horses in the park's wetlands and marshes
Camargue Regional Nature Park
Take horseback riding tours along the beach
Spot pink flamingos, many bird species and see wild horses
Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Gau
See white Camargue horses around salt flats and pink lakes
Salin d’Aigues-Mortes
Go wildlife viewing and observe horses grazing by the lake
Étang de Vaccarès
Visit a vast Mediterranean stone steppe to see Camargue horses
La Crau
Enjoy wildlife viewing opportunities and see the iconic horses
Petite Camargue Alsacienne
Hike and enjoy horse riding through a protected natural site
Domaine de la Palissade
Climb a tower to take in exceptional views of the Camargue
Tour Saint Louis

FAQ - Horses of Camargue

What are the best places to observe Camargue horses in the wild in their natural habitat?
What are the best times of the year to attend equestrian shows showcasing Camargue horses?
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