My Tours Company

Things to do in Mar del Plata

Visit a historic tower that offers beautiful views of the coastline

Torreón del Monje
Mar del Plata

Enter the summer home of the renowned Argentine author

Centro Cultural Villa Victoria
Mar del Plata

Watch the fishing boats at the port’s scenic port

Puerto Mar del Plata
Mar del Plata

Climb the tower of an important city landmark

Torre Tanque
Mar del Plata

Admire a neo-Gothic monument at the city\'s lively main square

Mar del Plata Cathedral
Mar del Plata

Bask in the sunshine at a sandy beach, perfect for swimming

Varese Beach
Mar del Plata

Stroll on a scenic beach and observe the coastal scenery

Bristol Beach
Mar del Plata

Go to a great spot to watch the sunset and enjoy the ocean views

San Martín Park
Mar del Plata

Picnic and walk around a tranquil lake and observe birds

Laguna de los Padres
Mar del Plata

Unwind on pristine beaches while soaking in the tranquil atmosphere

Mar del Plata
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