My Tours Company

Activities in Saudi Arabia’s desert

During your trip, Al Ula a must-see region with thousands of years of history through its archaeological sites and sand mountains. In the city of Hegra, there are more than a hundred tombs, and Liyhan's tomb rises to more than 20 meters in height. The areas of Jabal Ikmah and Ekma are open-air collections of

Activities in Saudi Arabia’s desert

Things to do and see - Activities in Saudi Arabia’s desert

Enjoy star gazing and camel riding in the desert
Empty Quarter
Embark on a dune bashing and camel safari
Al Nafud Desert
Explore the wonders of an ancient city
Grasp the striking landscapes of a reddish sandy desert
Set out on a camping trip, have a picnic and go rock climbing
King Khalid Royal Reserve
Marvel at rock formations and see the Umm Sarhej rock
Hisma Desert
Have a unique perspective of the desert from spectacular cliffs
Edge of the World
Explore an ancient city of the civilization of the Nabataeans

- Activities in Saudi Arabia’s desert

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