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Amazon Rainforest Fauna and Flora

The name Amazon Tropical Rainforest comes from the Spanish and Portuguese phrase "Rio Amazonas," which translates to "Amazon River" in English. On the other hand, the term "Amazonas" came from Greek mythology about a warrior tribe of women. The largest rainforest, the Amazon, is home to millions of living organisms, many of which have not


Things to do and see - Amazon Rainforest Fauna and Flora

See diverse wildlife and rare plant species in a pristine rainforest
Jau National Park
Explore vast areas of biodiverse savannahs and rainforests
Tambopata National Reserve
Take a journey into the jungle and spot hundreds of bird species
Manu National Park
View a variety of wildlife, including monkeys, parrots, and jaguars
Yasuni National Park
Encounter a variety of plant life and an array of wildlife species
Madidi National Park
Discover a diverse array of wildlife and plant life in a river archipelago
Anavilhanas National Park
Go to a paradise with thousands of species of wild animals and plants
Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve
Enjoy birdwatching in a reserve with many endemic species
Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve
Tour diverse ecosystems of rainforests, savannas, and waterfalls
Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
Hike through rainforest areas teeming with wildlife and bird species
Canaima National Park

FAQ - Amazon Rainforest Fauna and Flora

Why do forest fires occur in the Amazon rainforest?
What is the most significant contributor to deforestation in the Amazon rainforest?
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