My Tours Company


At King's College, we can admire the beautiful Gothic chapel. Its choir is very famous. It's a true architectural and musical masterpiece. Next, go to Trinity College. You'll see its large Renaissance courtyard. There's also the Wren Library, which houses precious books - invaluable literary treasures hidden within. Finally, at St John's College, you'll

Develop your understanding of plants at a large botanical garden
Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Enter the Chapel to see an exhibition of the history of the College
King's College and King's College Chapel
Marvel at the impressive Great Court and the Wren Library
Trinity College
Enjoy beautiful views of the college buildings along the River Cam
The Backs
Take in panoramic vistas over the city's famed colleges from its tower
Great St Mary's
Discover the story of Cambridge through exhibitions
The Round Church
View artifacts and art from around the world
The Fitzwilliam Museum
Explore a collection of art in a beautiful historic house and garden
Kettle's Yard
Take in scenic views of the city while punting on the river
River Cam
Visit a picturesque village famous for its connections to notable writers

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What are Cambridge's most famous colleges?
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