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Epic Treks in Central Asia

Kyrgyzstan is at the top of the list, and here, the trip leads to Lake Song-Köl. As far as the eye can see, the green hills and nature accompany travelers for several days. The departure is either from the village of Kochkor or from Kyzart. Whatever the choice, climbing to the lake at an altitude


Things to do and see - Epic Treks in Central Asia

Conquer one of the highest mountains in Kyrgyzstan
Peak Lenin, Kyrgyzstan
Embark on an unforgettable journey through stunning mountains
Alay Mountains, Kyrgyzstan
Hike along alpine lakes and dramatic river valleys
Fann Mountains, Tajikistan
Go to a destination for true adventure seekers with rugged terrain
Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan
Meet Kyrgyz nomads and explore incredible landscapes
Tian Shan Mountains, Kyrgyzstan
Check out amazing glaciers, waterfalls, and towering peaks
Ala Archa National Park, Kyrgyzstan
Wander through valleys and summit a pass with an incredible view
Ala-Kul Lake, Kyrgyzstan
Experience some of the country's most beautiful alpine scenery
Altai mountains, Kazakhstan
Relax in natural hot springs and trek through mountain meadows
Altyn Arashan Valley, Kyrgyzstan
Explore pristine landscapes and experience traditional nomadic life
Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan

FAQ - Epic Treks in Central Asia

Why are the mountain lakes of Uzbekistan referred to as jade lakes?
Which Central Asian countries are the most popular for trekking?
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