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Fez City, a sanctuary of impeccable and complicated geometric Islamic-influenced architecture, is located in Morocco's northern inland. As Morocco's center of culture, it offers many options for tourists to discover, experience, and enjoy. The Medina of Fez, or Fes el Bali, is one of the most preferred attractions. It is said to be the biggest

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Things to do and see - Fez

Get lost in the maze of streets in the largest medina in the world
Medina of Fez
Marvel at a stunning example of Moroccan architecture
Al Attarine Madrasa
Admire the incredible mosaics and hand-carved walls of a madrasa
Bou Inania Madrasa
Enter a former royal palace to see a collection of traditional artifacts
Dar Batha Museum
See the traditional process of leather-making at a famous tannery
Chouara Tannery
Enjoy spectacular views over the city and the mountains
Merenid Tombs
Explore a place full of history and Jewish-style architecture
View a vast collection of arms and armor inside a fortress
Borj Nord Museum
Travel to one of the four Imperial cities of Morocco
Witness the preserved ruins of a Roman city with impressive mosaics

FAQ - Fez

Is Fez the oldest city in Morocco?
What is one of the things that Fez is known for having?
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