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Foshan consists of 5 districts: Chancheng District, Sanshui District, Nanhai District, and Leping Town. Each district has its unique vibe and atmosphere, which makes it interesting for anyone to wander between them and experience each one.

Lingan culture is the prevalent one in Foshan, which means things like dragon dancing and Cantonese Opera

Have a peaceful retreat from the urban environment
Shunfengshan Park
Visit a scenic mountain area with temples, pagodas, and hiking trails
Xiqiao Mountain Scenic Area
Learn about the traditional culture of Foshan
The Ancestral Temple
Enter a museum of the legendary martial artist Wong Fei-hung
Wong Fei-hung Memorial Hall
Take in the breathtaking scenery of mountains and lakes
Bruce Lee Paradise
Relax at a scenic lake surrounded by parks and gardens
Qiandeng Lake
See lotus ponds in a park during the lotus blooming season
Sanshui Lotus World
Stroll along a classical Chinese garden with traditional architecture
Liang Garden
See the historical development of Shiwan ceramics
Guangdong Shiwan Ceramics Museum
Wander around a district with many precious historical buildings
Lingnan World
View precious Cantonese opera cultural relics
Guangdong Cantonese Opera Museum

FAQ - Foshan

What is one of the best museums in Foshan?
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