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Jaipur City, India's Rajasthan state's capital, is popularly known as The Pink City for its dominantly pink-colored buildings and is one of India's golden triangles. It was previously ranked first among India's tourist spots, earning TripAdvisor's 2015 Traveller's Choice Awards for Destination. Wander around the palaces in Jaipur and start at Hawa Mahal, built in

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Be enchanted by a magnificent fort located on a hilltop
Amber Fort
See one of the city’s most iconic attractions
Hawa Mahal
Take a guided tour of courtyards, gardens, and buildings
City Palace
Enter an astronomical observatory built in the early 18th century
Jantar Mantar
Enjoy spectacular views of the city of Jaipur
Nahargarh Fort
Embrace serenity amidst intricate carvings and panoramic views
Birla Mandir
Get a glimpse into Rajasthan's royal past and rich heritage
Albert Hall Museum
Climb to a fort perched on a cliff for breathtaking panoramic views
Jaigarh Fort
Marvel at intricately carved stone monuments
Royal Gaitor
Step into an art gallery to witness a collection of paintings
Mukesh Art Gallery ️

FAQ - Jaipur

What is the climate like in Jaipur?
What are the religions practiced in Jaipur?
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