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Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park

One of the most famous spots is Wuhua Lake, also called the Multicolored Lake. Its crystal-clear waters display vivid colors ranging from blue to green and yellow. Baitianzhai is a three-tiered waterfall in the northern part of the valley. Its majestic cascades make it one of the park's tallest waterfalls.
Rize Lake, or


Things to do and see - Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park

Explore a series of lakes and numerous scenic spots
Shuzheng Valley
Immerse yourself in nature and explore lakes and waterfalls
Rize Valley
Get a panoramic view of the scenic spots along the valley
Zechawa Valley
Reach the largest lake in the park and appreciate the alpine scenery
Long Lake
Enjoy the tranquil setting of a lake with stunning turquoise waters
Rhinoceros Lake
Delight in the vibrant and changing colors of a lake
Five Flower Lake
Witness the beauty of one of the widest waterfalls in China
Nuorilang Waterfall
Relax by a lake with blue-green waters surrounded by forests
Panda Lake
Walk on the top of a waterfall and descend to see the falls
Pearl Shoal Waterfall
Visit the lake in the early morning for a magical experience
Mirror Lake

FAQ - Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park

What are the best hiking trails in Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park?
What are the main highlights not to be missed in Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park?
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