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One of the famous things in Kagoshima is the Sakurajima volcano. This volcano is like a guardian of the city, sitting just across the waters. Even though it's an active volcano, don't worry - it's safe to visit! You can take a ferry and get up close to this natural wonder. The view of Sakurajima

Marvel at one of Japan's most active volcanoes
Have a serene moment in a traditional Japanese garden
Senganen Garden
Climb to a mountaintop park with a viewpoint over the city
Shiroyama Park
View exhibits of Kagoshima's history from ancient to modern times
Reimeikan Museum
Have panoramic views of an active volcano and its volcanic landscapes
Arimura Lava Observation Deck
Admire a collection of modern and contemporary Japanese art
Kagoshima City Museum of Art
Hike through ancient cedar forests on a subtropical island
Yakushima Island
Explore volcanic landscapes, hot springs, and scenic hiking trails
Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park
Visit a coastal town renowned for its unique black sand baths and hot springs
Travel to a historic town with well-preserved samurai houses

FAQ - Kagoshima

How does Kagoshima celebrate its special Satsuma pottery tradition?
Are there traditional performances to enjoy in Kagoshima?
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