My Tours Company


The castle is a must-see. It was the residence of the margraves and grand dukes of Baden and features collections of archaeology, art, and cultural history.
The market square is the heart of the city. Here you can find the town hall. It is an impressive baroque building. The market pyramid is another symbol of

Take a guided tour of a castle and unwind in its gardens
Karlsruhe Palace
Experience exhibitions and events about media art
Center for Art and Media - ZKM
Enter one of the largest natural history museums in Germany
State Museum of Natural History
Hike or take the funicular to enjoy panoramic views of the city
Enjoy a stroll in a green oasis in the middle of the city
Karlsruhe Botanical Gardens
Witness a pyramid-shaped memorial in the city's square
Karlsruhe Market Square
View exhibits in a museum for cultural history housed in a palace
State Museum of Baden
Pamper yourself with a luxurious spa experience
Rent a paddle boat and enjoy the beautiful forest views
Lake Mummelsee
Visit a picturesque town home to Germany's oldest university

Festivals - Karlsruhe

FAQ - Karlsruhe

What is the origin of the name Karlsruhe?
What do the rings in front of the castle represent?
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