My Tours Company


Milan, an artistic and cultural metropolis, is visited solely for the pleasure of the eyes. A stroll through the city quickly becomes a tête-à-tête with masterpieces. Wander through the Piazza del Duomo. Visit the grand Gothic cathedral. Gaze upon Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper in the Santa Maria delle Grazie church. Art lovers will

See an iconic cathedral, one of the largest in the world
Relish the spectacular scenery, nature, and views
Lake Como
Visit a historic hilltop city with a unique mix of architectural styles
Take a trip to Italy's largest lake and discover its Roman villas
Lake Garda
Witness the remnants of the city's Roman past
Experience the historical charm of a magical Renaissance city
Marvel at ancient petroglyphs on engraved rocks
Val Camonica
Enjoy tranquillity and nature in an ancient medieval village
Castellaro Lagusello
Be charmed by a historic town on the shores of Lake Garda
Sample sparkling wine in a small wine-producing area in Lombardy

Festivals - Lombardy

FAQ - Lombardy

What are the main tourist attractions in Milan?
What are the best ski resorts in Lombardy?
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