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Mardin's skyline, punctuated by the silhouette of the Zinciriye Medrese, exudes an allure. This 14th-century theologic school, adorned with exquisite Islamic art and architecture, is a must-visit. Exploring its intricate designs and serene courtyards offers insight into the city's spiritual heritage.

The Mardin Artuklu University Art Gallery is a hidden gem for art enthusiasts.


Things to do and see - Mardin

See an ancient monastery dating back to the 5th century
Deyrulzafaran Monastery
Have a glimpse into Mardin's cultural heritage
Grand Mosque
Wander through narrow, labyrinthine streets of an old city
Mardin Old City
Tour a historic building that features local Artuklu architecture
Kasımiye Madrasah
Enter a historic landmark and former madrasa
Zinciriye Madrasa
Witness the ruins of an ancient castle, offering panoramic views
Mardin Castle
Discover Mardin's cultural heritage through exhibits
Mardin Museum
View the symbol of traditional life and a marvel of architecture
Mardin Evleri
Learn about Mardin's history, culture, and art
Sakıp Sabancı Mardin City Museum
Explore the ancient ruins of an important Mesopotamian city
Dara Archaeological Site

FAQ - Mardin

What are some of the historical attractions in Mardin?
Are there cultural events and performances in Mardin?
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