My Tours Company


In East Asia, discover Mongolia with its multifaceted landscapes made up of glaciers, steppes, deserts, forests and lakes. Three mountain ranges cross the territory: Altai, Kangai and Khentii mountains. The Gobi Desert covers a third of the country. Explore Lake Döröö in Bayan-Ölgii province, an ideal place for beautiful getaways. Explore the Dornod Steppes inhabited


Things to do and see - Mongolia

Explore the capital city, its museums, and cultural attractions
See a gigantic statue with an underground museum
Chinggis Khaan Statue Complex
Step on the Khongoryn Els sand dunes at a vast desert
Gobi Desert
Witness the pristine beauty of Mongolia's largest freshwater lake
Khuvsgul Lake
Hike to see the famous Turtle Rock and the Aryabal Monastery
Gorkhi Terelj National Park
See ancient ruins, the Tuvkhun Monastery, and Orkhon Waterfall
Orkhon Valley
Visit the ancient capital of the Mongol Empire
Explore the site of important dinosaur discoveries
Flaming Cliffs
See the world's only wild horses, known as Przewalski's horses
Hustai National Park
Go hiking, fishing, mountain biking, horse and camel riding
Altai Tavan Bogd National Park
Marvel at a massive Soviet monument
Zaisan Monument
Enter a calm and spiritual place, home to the Buddhist community
Gandantegchinlen Monastery

Festivals - Mongolia

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