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National parks in Malawi

Nyika National Park is the largest, where animal species such as elk, zebras, leopards, and elephants can be seen. Birdwatchers will be satisfied, as the park has more than 400 species of birds. In Liwonde, the national park of the same name, bordered by Lake Malawi, we can see crocodiles, elephants, hippos, yellow baboons, buffaloes,

National Park in Malawi

Things to do and see - National parks in Malawi

Observe elephants, buffalos, antelopes, and various bird species
Kasungu National Park
Immerse yourself in local culture at traditional fishing villages
Lake Malawi National Park
Take a boat safari on the Shire River and observe wildlife
Liwonde National Park
Travel to a beautiful montane plateau and observe zebras
Nyika National Park
Explore a scenic landscape marked by woodlands and plains
Lengwe National Park
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