My Tours Company


Things to do and see - Pompeii

Discover a public square surrounded by important buildings
Pompeii Forum
Visit one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheaters
Amphitheatre of Pompeii
View rare examples of ancient Roman paintings
Villa of the Mysteries
Enter a Roman townhouse with intricate frescoes and mosaics
House of the Vettii
Marvel at a Roman temple dedicated to the god Apollo
Temple of Apollo
See the largest and most expensive residence in ancient Pompeii
House of the Faun
Get a glimpse into daily life in the ancient city
Lupanar of Pompeii
Witness the place where performances were held
The Great Theatre
Visit one of the ancient world's oldest bathing complexes
Stabian Baths
Experience an ancient Roman religious site
Temple of Jupiter
Admire elaborate mosaic floors and frescoes in a Roman house
House of the Tragic Poet
View the casts of 13 Mount Vesuvius eruption victims from 79 AD
Garden of the Fugitives
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