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Revillagigedo Islands

San Benedicto Island is the first to be visited on the list. Observing it from a distance gives an incredible spectacle. The vegetation is almost non-existent, giving this place a unique appearance. On the western part of San Benedicto, it is possible to see hills with bottomless lava canyons. However, there are more amazing things.


Things to do and see - Revillagigedo Islands

Go diving and see manta rays, whales, dolphins, and sharks
Embark on a liveaboard dive tour to check out the island
Experience diving with really big manta rays
San Benedicto
Visit a popular dive area and observe different aquatic species
Roca Partida
Take a liveaboard diving boat from a resort city to the islands
Cabo San Lucas
Start your trip to the islands from a scenic coastal city
Puerto Vallarta
Visit a port city and resort with beautiful beaches and diving spots
Begin your trip from a resort city home to some famous surf spots
San Jose del Cabo
Explore the best dive sites in Socorro Island
Cabo Pearce
See one of the best diving destinations in the world
Punta Tosca

FAQ - Revillagigedo Islands

Is it true that the Revillagigedo Islands are well known for their massive congregation of sharks?
Is the Revillagigedo archipelago an active volcanic region?
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