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The River City will make you see its beauty from another perspective with the many places you can visit. Sacramento's historic district is the first place you should visit. It stretches along the Sacramento River, and you'll find historic buildings and museums that trace the city's history, such as the California State Railroad Museum, shops,


Things to do and see - Sacramento

Encounter diverse entertainment and historical attractions
Old Sacramento Waterfront
Have a glimpse into California's political history
California State Capitol Museum
View a premier collection of Californian art
Crocker Art Museum
Walk through vintage train cars and locomotives
California State Railroad Museum
Enjoy a picnic or go jogging in a major city park
William Land Regional Park
Take in picturesque views of the waterfront
Tower Bridge
Experience a serene escape on beautifully landscaped grounds
California State Capitol Park
Marvel at an architectural beauty and religious significance
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Explore renowned wineries and enjoy wine tastings
Napa Valley
Take a day trip to an iconic city and see the Golden Gate Bridge
San Francisco
Spend a day in a vibrant university town with unique art galleries
Visit a town known for its California Gold Rush history

FAQ - Sacramento

Why is Sacramento called River City?
Why is Sacramento said to be home to the world's oldest and only non-swim triathlon?
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