The Twilight Saga is a series of fantasy novels written by Stephenie Meyer. It tells the story of a young girl named Bella Swan who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen. The saga follows their forbidden relationship and their challenges due to their differences. The literary saga consists of four volumes: Twilight, ►
The Twilight Saga is a series of fantasy novels written by Stephenie Meyer. It tells the story of a young girl named Bella Swan who falls in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen. The saga follows their forbidden relationship and their challenges due to their differences. The literary saga consists of four volumes: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. These books have been adapted into a series of viral films.
Here are some of the iconic locations where the films were filmed:
Forks, Washington, USA: Forks is the fictional town where the story of Twilight takes place. The exterior scenes were shot in the Forks area, known for its beautiful rainforests and verdant landscapes.
La Push, Washington, United States: La Push is a small Native American community near Forks. The scenes at the beach, where the characters spend time, were filmed at La Push, offering spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean.
Volterra, Italy: In the second film in the saga, New Moon, the characters travel to Volterra, an Italian city famous for its medieval architecture. The scenes in the town were filmed in the picturesque streets of Volterra.
St. Helens, Oregon: This small town was used to recreate the city of Forks in the first film. Most exterior scenes in Forks, including the Swan home, were filmed in St. Helens.
The "Cullen House" in Twilight is located in Portland, Oregon, and was used as a filming location. It's a beautiful abode that has captured the imagination of Twilight fans.
The enchanted forest where Edward and Bella walk is located in Oregon. The Columbia River Gorge area offers beautiful scenery with waterfalls, hiking trails, and scenic views. It's a great place to immerse yourself in Twilight's mystical world and enjoy nature's beauty. ◄