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Xi'an is a city that has played an important role in China's history. Located in the north of the country, the capital of Shaanxi province has an exceptional cultural richness. On site, you can see the terracotta army and the great Buddhist wild goose pagoda, both UNESCO world heritage sites and which constitute real treasures.

View a collection of thousands of life-sized clay soldiers, and horses
Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum
Enter a towering Buddhist pagoda from the 7th century
Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
Experience a unique blend of Chinese and Islamic architectural styles
Great Mosque of Xi'an
Walk on well-preserved ancient city walls
Fortifications of Xi'an
Go to an excellent place to learn about the region's history
Shaanxi History Museum
Visit an ancient pagoda and enjoy the tranquil park surroundings
Small Wild Goose Pagoda
Climb to the top of an iconic landmark for nice views
Bell Tower of Xi'an
Get inside a theme park with replicas of Tang Dynasty buildings
Tang Paradise
View steles and stone sculptures at a museum
Xi'an Forest of Steles
View miniature clay figurines at an underground museum
Hanyangling Mausoleum
Embark on a day excursion to a mesmerizing tomb complex
Shaanxi Qianling Museum
Explore the rich history of an old city and discover ancient treasures
Access various hiking trails and enjoy the natural beauty of the area
Huaqing Palace

FAQ - Xi’an

What is the legend associated with the tower of Xi'an's bell?
What dynasties occupied the city of Xi'an?
What was Xi'an's old town name?
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