My Tours Company


Shwedagon Pagoda is the first place to see. It is a very sacred Buddhist site covering about six hectares and displays a stupa of a hundred meters covered with gold leaf. You will be amazed at the various planetary pillars, the museum filled with religious ornaments, and the photo gallery. The steps of Yangon, including

Marvel at a Buddhist temple, an architectural masterpiece
Shwedagon Pagoda
See a historic and cultural landmark
Sule Pagoda
Enter a Buddhist temple that houses a reclining Buddha image
Chaukhtatgyi Buddha Temple
Shop for traditional Burmese goods at a bustling market
Bogyoke Aung San Market
Take a river cruise to explore the city from the water
Yangon River
Discover Myanmar's history and culture
National Museum of Myanmar
Enjoy a peaceful stroll around a lake
Kandawgyi Lake
Have a walk or a picnic in a central park
Maha Bandula Park
Go to a popular recreational area for outdoor activities
Inya Lake
Step inside a temple to see an impressive reclining Buddha statue
Maha Satkya Atulamanaung Ngarhtatgyi
Visit a a town with a rich history that houses many pagodas
Take a boat ride to visit a floating pagoda temple
Ye Le Paya
Ferry across to Dala and explore the village on foot

FAQ - Yangon

Is it true that Yangon is home to the most sacred sites in the World?
Why is it said that Yangon is a botanical delight?
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